ND Football Ins and Outs

Irish Editor Commits 2018, Misconduct Tagged

First the good news – Tevon Coney and Jerry Tillery will return to ND for the 2018 season. 7 Freshman footballers were early enrollees. Brian Kelly dismissed 4 players from the team: WR Kevin Stepherson RB CJ Holmes RB Deon McIntosh NG Brian Tiassum Recruiting will continue to the last minute.

Kelly Drops The Hammer

Irish Editor Misconduct, Press Tagged

Brian Kelly has dismissed Max Redfield from the team and indefinitely suspended Devin Butler. The remaining misfits are suspended pending official action. Redfield has been a problem and just couldn’t straighten himself out. I, personally, would kick all six of these guys out of the school. Give me a break – riding around with a

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6 ND Football Players Arrested

Irish Editor Misconduct, Press Tagged

Just what we needed. Fall practice ends and 6 guys celebrate by getting arrested in 2 separate incidents as reported by ESPN. Devin Butler senior CB arrested at a bar for resisting arrest. 5 players in a car driven by freshman CB Ashton White first pulled over for speeding, but marijuana found as well as

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Kelly Meets The Press

Irish Editor Misconduct Tagged

UND.com provides August 16th presser. You get about 1/2 hour of inane duplicate questions from the reporters present. The end result is that Kelly knows no more than some fan in London. ND did have a practice today and only 1 question was asked about that – and that was the last question. As to

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Possible Academic Fraud

Irish Editor Misconduct Tagged

Reports are coming in from all over that ND investigating 4 football players and other students for possible academic fraud and violation of the Honor System. So 2 weeks before the season’s opener, 3 starters and 1 backup reportedly have been dismissed from the football team. No official confirmation, but with this much reporting going

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